
Showing posts from March, 2018
Day 22--As a Man Thinks in His Heart On this journey of finding complete healing for my body---- the good health that I knew God intended for me so I could have the energy to be a light in a dark world--- I stumbled on a profound truth about health. Now this is a truth that I have known all my life in bits and pieces, but it all came together for me in the light of Health and Happiness. And this is how it started. There is a place in Cancun and Baja, called Hope4Cancer. They have an 85% cancer survival rate----cancer of all kinds. I don't know all the exact details, but from listening to Dr. Tony's  DVD's,  I think patients go there for a period of time--maybe four to eight weeks--and learn the best methods for healing cancer. They are then sent home to incorporate these methods in their daily lives. They start with fasting and a drastic change from the SAD diet that we are used to, but it involves much more than that. They go through a seven step process of detoxif
Day 21 Warning: The SAD Diet Will Make You Sad I enter this area of depression on tiptoes for several reasons. First of all, because it has affected the lives of my family, my friends, and me. Therefore, it is not a popular subject because some feel embarrassed about it, including me. But since you are on My journey, I want to share with you the success I have had when I confronted everything in my life that I thought could have possibly stemmed from my eating habits. And if I am going to take you on my journey, you need to see the whole trip.  Second of all, it covers such a broad spectrum from just unusual sadness to suicide. So this blog is to basically give you some things to think about should you or your family members face these dreaded words " I am depressed"!!!!  As you know, it is not like saying, "I have a headache"--- something that we can stop with some simple steps and also with depression we receive all kind of advice from o
Day 20-- Let Your Stomach Do the Talking I could also have titled day 20---Volcanos are Healthy, but I chose "Let the stomach do the Talking" because it will and it can say some pretty nasty things. Sometimes healthy eating is not pretty and you need to see that too. So today is a confession and an encouragement to me that what I am doing is actually working. Two days ago I had an incident happen to me that is downright disgusting, but I feel I should share. Now I want you to know that I follow the plan that I have laid out  each day on Healthy and Happy. Simply---I detox my mouth each morning, detox my body with warm lemon water, clean out my lymph system be exercising, pull with coconut oil, intermittent fast, eat healthy and take my supplements. My plan takes a detour  in one specific circumstance---eating at others houses. I mentioned this in an earlier blog as to why I do this, but the bottom line is that I want to connect with people and be included in their
Day 19   My Heart Attacks No, I didn’t have diagnosed   heart attacks, but I had something attacking my heart. This is MY story, and remember the TV warning----DON"T TRY THIS AT HOME!!!!   But several years ago I was having  pains around my heart, and I didn’t know why. They would last only seconds at the beginning, and I really paid very little attention, even though I was having them quite often. This actually went on for a couple of years and as time passed the pains began to last longer and the pressure in my chest was getting stronger. We had read about what to do if you thought you might be experiencing a heart attack so Larry and I would go through this routine. I would cough as if I was trying to cough up something out of my chest. I would do this a few seconds, then I would lie down and relax and Larry would check my pulse.  Finally one night around 9 PM as I was lying in bed (as Fred Sanford would say----if you are old enough to remember him on Sanford and Son), I
Day 18---GOLD--We All Want It!!!!! Of all the Happy and Healthy Blogs I've written so far, this one is the most important for your overall health. Then why didn't you start with this one, you might ask. Let me remind you that this is My story and realizing that this is the most important thing I could do for my health did not come overnight---this is a journey, remember? And I actually think through very carefully each blog and the path that led me through this journey. I knew this would end up with me recommending a pill  for you to take, and since I was always looking for the magic "pill" that was going to change my life, I was very hesitant to rush into this subject. This journey is so much more than that, and I want you to see how my change was internal---not external. I have taken those magic "pills" before---and there was no change. Changing from the inside out starts in the inside---the gut, or what you eat. I needed that to be my focus of c
Day 17--GMO--- God Move Over!!!   Really???? Actually, GMO stands for Genetically Modified Organisms. “ God Move Over” is a phrase that health experts use to get our attention about what is going on today in the crops of some of the good foods that God made for our enjoyment. So the powers that be are saying," God move over, we know what is best". When God said, “man shall not live by bread alone”, I think we can assume that He is saying that bread is good for us. I know in Biblical times there are many, many references to bread, wheat, and grain and it was obvious that it was a healthy staple. GMO’s are relatively new today, but man began changing Biblical bread in the 19 th century.   Men began to refine the wheat and bleach the flour in such a way, that the previous brown bread was now white bread. Since this was a lengthy, more expensive process, it became a food for the rich, and the dark colored bread became the bread of the poor. Eating white bread was a sign
Day 16  The Leaky Gut Diet---for ME and Larry of course. Before I begin, I want to make one correction from Day 15.(I've already corrected it on the blog, but some of you have already read it) In listing all the foods to eliminate, #9 should have said, not to eliminate but ---"eat all organic foods when possible and if not organic, wash thoroughly with a solution of water and apple cider vinegar". (more on this later).  And I also didn't give a shout out on Day 15 for Larry (who is my partner in crime) and the fact that he has lost 30 pounds and maintained that for over 2 months with no dieting. He will also want me to add that he has gone from a size 38 pants to a size 32---and no more belly. Yes, he got new clothes. Not me, my old---always too tight clothes actually FIT now!! I always bought mine too little hoping that would encourage me to eat less---it never worked!! As requested, I am going to give you a picture of what we eat almost every day of
Day 15-------Stop the "Leaks" Now if you have been taking any of the baby steps in the previous blogs, you are already on your way to repairing the leaks by eating healthier, God made foods. But it is hard to repair if you are not stopping the cause.  And as before, I am not trying to tell you what to do, but I will take you on MY journey. I am, though, always open to questions and might can steer you in the right direction if my journey does not take you to your destination. So let's get started. I am going to give you a list of inflammatory foods that you can test---by eliminating them. As you know, I was fighting GERD. My entire GI tract was inflamed. This is when I told you I read the book by Dr. Osborne who had countless patients cured of GERD and diseases much more serious than Gerd. ( And I'm sorry but I have to express my JOY---I AM CURED!!!! ) It is unbelievable the diseases he cures in his practice---I mean serious diseases that people tell you are
Day 14----- Find the "Leaks"!!! Before you can find the "leaks", you have to convince yourself that you have them. So today I am going to tell what to look for with questions for you to ask yourself. It is estimated that 70-80% of people have a leaky gut. The other 30% are probably who we would call the "health nuts" in the world. By the way, that is my goal. I could not be more pleased if I was known as a "health nut". That would be up there with me being known as a "Christian" (Or Larry said "biker babe").  If you want to look up something interesting sometime, Google Blue Zones. There are 5 areas of the world where people live in the 90's and 100's, and mostly die from old age and not diseases.  There is one in California. Although I have been to California multiple times, that is on my bucket list to visit. So here you go. Ask yourself these questions... Do I have? 1. Do I have--- Chronic diarrhea, c