Day 22--As a Man Thinks in His Heart
On this journey of finding complete healing for my body---- the good health that I knew God intended for me so I could have the energy to be a light in a dark world--- I stumbled on a profound truth about health. Now this is a truth that I have known all my life in bits and pieces, but it all came together for me in the light of Health and Happiness. And this is how it started.
There is a place in Cancun and Baja, called Hope4Cancer. They have an 85% cancer survival rate----cancer of all kinds. I don't know all the exact details, but from listening to Dr. Tony's DVD's, I think patients go there for a period of time--maybe four to eight weeks--and learn the best methods for healing cancer. They are then sent home to incorporate these methods in their daily lives. They start with fasting and a drastic change from the SAD diet that we are used to, but it involves much more than that. They go through a seven step process of detoxifying their entire body using different methods but they also detox their spirit and their mind. The seventh step is the spirit/ heart/mind part and Dr. Tony says it is the most important part. So they actually begin with an activity that is part of this seventh step.
First of all they begin with a questionnaire that asks if they think they can be totally healed of the cancer if they follow the seven steps, and are they willing to complete the seven steps. Now you have to realize that the majority of their patients are people who have been given a life sentence by the medical profession---you have ____ days, months, years to live. Many have gone the chemo/radiation route and are receiving care but not cure. This is very, very expensive treatment so people don't go there because they have a funny looking mole on their arm. It is serious business. So if the clinic senses unusual doubt, they will not take you as a patient. They look for a positive attitude because they know that it has a profound influence on the healing of the body. They also realize the profound impact of the Scripture in Proverbs that says, "as a man thinketh in his heart, so is he". So if they think that healing can take place and the patient has a very positive attitude, they go to the next step
The next step involves the patient going back into their childhood,----- literally as far as they can remember-----and writing down every bad thing that happened to them and the people who were associated with the bad memories. This span of time goes from their first memories to that present day. Once you have it all written down---- every event, every situation, involving all the people you can think of, they ask you to begin one by one, forgiving all those people. And it is not a matter of just saying in generic terms-- "I forgive everybody that did me wrong". No, they make you go back to those people and tell them you forgive them, and if they are deceased, to write them a letter, recalling all the facts and telling them that you to forgive them. Of course the excuses, begin to be come out like-- "but you don't understand what they did to me" or "they don't deserve forgiveness" or "No, I hope they rot in hell for what they did"--on and on, depending on the type of trauma they had faced.. At this point the doctor explains that you are doing it for YOUR sake and not for that person. You can't excuse them or change what they did, but if you can forgive and release them and those negative emotions---- then the positive healing can begin in you. And if you are not willing to do this, then they will not take you as a patient.
Now if you have been in church any at all during your life, you know about forgiveness. Peter came to Jesus and asked how many times to forgive someone and He answered 70 X 7. Really? 490 times, and we find it hard to forgive a person just once? And why could He say that? Because He forgave and forgives. Think of the times in His life that he faced abuse. He was sexually abused when He hung on the cross naked. He was abused by being rejected by people and his own family and publically humiliated. He suffered physical abuse when he was beaten. He was falsely accused, saying that he had sinned when there was no evidence. I had some of those exact incidences in my life, so it rang a bell with me. But He was God you might say and it was easy for Him to forgive. No, He was fully man in his sufferings and that is the reason He was sent to earth---to experience what man experiences so that He would could understand how to fully forgive.
Now I did not have anything near as traumatic as cancer but I had physical problems that I wanted to heal and I certainly did not want any traumatic events in my life to cause sickness. Doctors will tell you that the majority of people's illnesses are psychosomatic. I've read as much as 85%. So if you take away the mental conflict and eat right (the other 15% of causes)----can't you be Healthy and Happy? That was my goal, so I set out on the journey.
I actually went from the point of view of listing the names of people who had hurt me to the point that I recalled the incident very vividly. I could actually see the person and recall with tears what had happened. I did not go deeply into my sub-conscience and try to find things that might be there without my realizing it. I just dealt with the concrete things that I knew happened. Now most of the things that happened were years ago and most of the people had died. Did I write letters to those dead people? No, because a cancer clinic was not holding me accountable for that, but I did do it in the presence of Larry---out loud I verbally forgave them. The others I did in person. I was never physically abused, but there was some sexual abuse by people that I knew well, some traumatic rejection by family members and I was accused of stealing money and could not prove that I did not do it, and that person held on to that accusation until they died, never believing my story. All of these hurts were held in my heart and I had never gone through the process of forgiveness. I just had the idea that "time will heal". That is a lie. If it was healed why could I recall the incident with tears? You know what brought healing?----Forgiveness!!! Yes, I remember the incidences, but I focused on it in a different way. Not a "poor me" attitude, but in a different way--something that I really can't describe in words. But I know it is very different way because I have actually been able to thank God for it happening because of the good that came out of it. What good??----mostly loving and understanding people who have gone through similar circumstances and sharing with them the power of forgiveness. It upped my happiness level is all I know.
Now I mentioned this after the blog yesterday on depression. I know for a fact that unhealthy foods cause depression as well as toxins in the form of medicine and other chemicals that we are exposed to, but I also know that traumatic events and certain people in our lives also causes depression. My prayer is that you will face the situation in a healthy way and not rely on pills that are designed to make you forget your problems. I'm not sure exactly what that means to you because I'm sure it is different for different people. It might mean getting out of a bad relationship, getting a different job, changing your diet, learning to relax, along with forgiving those who offended you. I just say "figure it out before it affects your health".
I was so encouraged the other day when I read a post by one of my friends on facebook. With all of the news coming out about women being misused in the workplace, she shared her personal story about being abused in college by a professor. Long story short---he asked for favors in lieu of a position that she wanted. She refused and he withdrew the offer. She went on to tell about how she was wronged in so many ways, but if she had actually gotten the opportunity to accept the position she would not have met the man she married and had the wonderful family she has today. To me this is the healthy way to look at life. Find some good in the bad, forgive as Jesus forgave you and go on to a Healthy and Happy life. In Matthew it says if we don't forgive others, Your Father will not forgive you. I don't know about you, but I need lots of forgiveness---every day.
On this journey of finding complete healing for my body---- the good health that I knew God intended for me so I could have the energy to be a light in a dark world--- I stumbled on a profound truth about health. Now this is a truth that I have known all my life in bits and pieces, but it all came together for me in the light of Health and Happiness. And this is how it started.
There is a place in Cancun and Baja, called Hope4Cancer. They have an 85% cancer survival rate----cancer of all kinds. I don't know all the exact details, but from listening to Dr. Tony's DVD's, I think patients go there for a period of time--maybe four to eight weeks--and learn the best methods for healing cancer. They are then sent home to incorporate these methods in their daily lives. They start with fasting and a drastic change from the SAD diet that we are used to, but it involves much more than that. They go through a seven step process of detoxifying their entire body using different methods but they also detox their spirit and their mind. The seventh step is the spirit/ heart/mind part and Dr. Tony says it is the most important part. So they actually begin with an activity that is part of this seventh step.
First of all they begin with a questionnaire that asks if they think they can be totally healed of the cancer if they follow the seven steps, and are they willing to complete the seven steps. Now you have to realize that the majority of their patients are people who have been given a life sentence by the medical profession---you have ____ days, months, years to live. Many have gone the chemo/radiation route and are receiving care but not cure. This is very, very expensive treatment so people don't go there because they have a funny looking mole on their arm. It is serious business. So if the clinic senses unusual doubt, they will not take you as a patient. They look for a positive attitude because they know that it has a profound influence on the healing of the body. They also realize the profound impact of the Scripture in Proverbs that says, "as a man thinketh in his heart, so is he". So if they think that healing can take place and the patient has a very positive attitude, they go to the next step
The next step involves the patient going back into their childhood,----- literally as far as they can remember-----and writing down every bad thing that happened to them and the people who were associated with the bad memories. This span of time goes from their first memories to that present day. Once you have it all written down---- every event, every situation, involving all the people you can think of, they ask you to begin one by one, forgiving all those people. And it is not a matter of just saying in generic terms-- "I forgive everybody that did me wrong". No, they make you go back to those people and tell them you forgive them, and if they are deceased, to write them a letter, recalling all the facts and telling them that you to forgive them. Of course the excuses, begin to be come out like-- "but you don't understand what they did to me" or "they don't deserve forgiveness" or "No, I hope they rot in hell for what they did"--on and on, depending on the type of trauma they had faced.. At this point the doctor explains that you are doing it for YOUR sake and not for that person. You can't excuse them or change what they did, but if you can forgive and release them and those negative emotions---- then the positive healing can begin in you. And if you are not willing to do this, then they will not take you as a patient.
Now if you have been in church any at all during your life, you know about forgiveness. Peter came to Jesus and asked how many times to forgive someone and He answered 70 X 7. Really? 490 times, and we find it hard to forgive a person just once? And why could He say that? Because He forgave and forgives. Think of the times in His life that he faced abuse. He was sexually abused when He hung on the cross naked. He was abused by being rejected by people and his own family and publically humiliated. He suffered physical abuse when he was beaten. He was falsely accused, saying that he had sinned when there was no evidence. I had some of those exact incidences in my life, so it rang a bell with me. But He was God you might say and it was easy for Him to forgive. No, He was fully man in his sufferings and that is the reason He was sent to earth---to experience what man experiences so that He would could understand how to fully forgive.
Now I did not have anything near as traumatic as cancer but I had physical problems that I wanted to heal and I certainly did not want any traumatic events in my life to cause sickness. Doctors will tell you that the majority of people's illnesses are psychosomatic. I've read as much as 85%. So if you take away the mental conflict and eat right (the other 15% of causes)----can't you be Healthy and Happy? That was my goal, so I set out on the journey.
I actually went from the point of view of listing the names of people who had hurt me to the point that I recalled the incident very vividly. I could actually see the person and recall with tears what had happened. I did not go deeply into my sub-conscience and try to find things that might be there without my realizing it. I just dealt with the concrete things that I knew happened. Now most of the things that happened were years ago and most of the people had died. Did I write letters to those dead people? No, because a cancer clinic was not holding me accountable for that, but I did do it in the presence of Larry---out loud I verbally forgave them. The others I did in person. I was never physically abused, but there was some sexual abuse by people that I knew well, some traumatic rejection by family members and I was accused of stealing money and could not prove that I did not do it, and that person held on to that accusation until they died, never believing my story. All of these hurts were held in my heart and I had never gone through the process of forgiveness. I just had the idea that "time will heal". That is a lie. If it was healed why could I recall the incident with tears? You know what brought healing?----Forgiveness!!! Yes, I remember the incidences, but I focused on it in a different way. Not a "poor me" attitude, but in a different way--something that I really can't describe in words. But I know it is very different way because I have actually been able to thank God for it happening because of the good that came out of it. What good??----mostly loving and understanding people who have gone through similar circumstances and sharing with them the power of forgiveness. It upped my happiness level is all I know.
Now I mentioned this after the blog yesterday on depression. I know for a fact that unhealthy foods cause depression as well as toxins in the form of medicine and other chemicals that we are exposed to, but I also know that traumatic events and certain people in our lives also causes depression. My prayer is that you will face the situation in a healthy way and not rely on pills that are designed to make you forget your problems. I'm not sure exactly what that means to you because I'm sure it is different for different people. It might mean getting out of a bad relationship, getting a different job, changing your diet, learning to relax, along with forgiving those who offended you. I just say "figure it out before it affects your health".
I was so encouraged the other day when I read a post by one of my friends on facebook. With all of the news coming out about women being misused in the workplace, she shared her personal story about being abused in college by a professor. Long story short---he asked for favors in lieu of a position that she wanted. She refused and he withdrew the offer. She went on to tell about how she was wronged in so many ways, but if she had actually gotten the opportunity to accept the position she would not have met the man she married and had the wonderful family she has today. To me this is the healthy way to look at life. Find some good in the bad, forgive as Jesus forgave you and go on to a Healthy and Happy life. In Matthew it says if we don't forgive others, Your Father will not forgive you. I don't know about you, but I need lots of forgiveness---every day.
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