Day 16  The Leaky Gut Diet---for ME and Larry of course.

Before I begin, I want to make one correction from Day 15.(I've already corrected it on the blog, but some of you have already read it) In listing all the foods to eliminate, #9 should have said, not to eliminate but ---"eat all organic foods when possible and if not organic, wash thoroughly with a solution of water and apple cider vinegar". (more on this later).
 And I also didn't give a shout out on Day 15 for Larry (who is my partner in crime) and the fact that he has lost 30 pounds and maintained that for over 2 months with no dieting. He will also want me to add that he has gone from a size 38 pants to a size 32---and no more belly. Yes, he got new clothes. Not me, my old---always too tight clothes actually FIT now!! I always bought mine too little hoping that would encourage me to eat less---it never worked!!

As requested, I am going to give you a picture of what we eat almost every day of our lives, instead of just general --like fruits, vegetables etc. We eat two meals a day starting around noon. (remember we intermittent fast around 16 hours a day). We call them the big meal and the little meal, and it flip flops depending on our schedule. The large meal for us usually comes at noon because we are home most every day at this time and can actually cook.  But even if we are home and we know we are eating with family or friends at night, it will switch.

5 AM---We have warm lemon water to flush out all the toxins that our body has fought during sleep.
5 AM until lunch--- We only have coffee with coconut oil or I use coconut milk (the rich kind in a    
11 or 12 (noon)---
   1) We start with a probiotic---most always my homemade sauerkraut (maybe 2-3 tablespoons)
   2) Then we have fresh fruit---mostly berries (black berries, strawberries, blueberries, raspberries),  
        and always grapes, but also apples and oranges. We eat this by itself (usually while we
        are getting everything else ready)
   3) We have protein, which consist of some type of broiled, boiled, baked or grilled
         meat. Sometime it is an omelet filled with veggies, cheese and meat.
   4) We have one cooked vegetable, anything green usually--beans, turnip greens, collards-- and
        anything that is not good raw.
   5) Raw vegetables--our favorites are cucumbers, celery, broccoli, cauliflower, little sweet peppers,
       carrots, or just a cut up salad with any of these vegetables with some nuts, cheese or whatever.

Logic behind the order of eating----
    1. We start with a probiotic food because this sets the stage in our bodies to fight off any toxins
         that might be on or in our food. (pesticides, hormones, antibiotics, etc)
    2. We next eat some fruit, to aid in digestion. This sets the stage for a good bowel movement
         before the hard to digest foods (meat) enters the stomach.
    3. Once we eat the fruit, we are ready to eat whatever is on our plate---meat, raw and cooked
        vegetables. Then if we are not "full" we will eat some more fruit.
    4. Of course we always drink water with a splash (maybe a couple of teaspoons)of apple cider
    5. We never measure anything, and we eat until we are full. If we watch anything, it is the amount
         of meat we eat. All meat is inflammatory---some more than others. The worst is red meat and
         and the best is fish.(The good news is that your body can fight this little inflammation if      
         you're filling yourself with the good stuff)  So we eat a very small piece of meat and fill up on
         the rest. We never leave the table hungry. And the amazing thing to us is how satisfying all
         these foods are when we got rid of all the cravings. Processed foods that are full of sugar, salt
          and additives keep you hungry and cause cravings. I use to crave sweets, salty snacks and fast
          foods. No more--thank God!!!

If we get hungry before the next meal, we snack on fresh fruit or veggies and nuts, or I will make a green smoothie or juice some carrots or beets and have fresh juice. We always keep fresh fruits and veggies in the refrigerator ready to eat, so we do not have to "fix" this. We simply pull out the container and eat all we want. I put this picture on a previous blog, but I will show it again.
I make this on Monday morning and we have it all week. I just replenish as we run out of a particular item.
So for meals, I cook a meat and vegetable and sit out trays. And to make it easier I cook a lot of meats in the crockpot and a big pot of vegetables and they both last for several days, so I am doing less cooking than I ever have in my life. Larry might make us an omelet. One of our recent favorites is pizza made with a cauliflower crust, and spaghetti using spaghetti squash. And even this will last 2-3 meals. 

Our second "little" meal may consist of grabbing the tray of fruits, vegetables, nuts, deviled eggs, peanut butter, left overs from the big meal or just whatever. Larry might make us an omelet. We are just totally in shock at how our appetite has decreased. I'm telling you toxic foods with additives were killing us. This is a typical meal for us. Our plate is 1/3 raw vegetables and fruits, 1/3 cooked vegetables and 1/3 protein and good fats (avocado in this case)

Now what about eating out??? It all boils down to choices. Nearly every restaurant has a salad that you can add your choice of meat. Then, of course there is almost always a grilled, broiled, anything but fried, piece of meat and a vegetable that is not starchy---a vegetable medley, or green beans or broccoli or just a green salad. You may have to tell them to leave off some things like croutons, but they will gladly do that for you. I even take my own salad dressing in my purse sometimes, which is MCT oil (liquid coconut oil). Sometimes I add some herbs to it, but I like it plain.

Now here are some things we do before we eat at anyone's house or eat out. Before we leave home we eat our probiotic foods and some fruits. We might even have our green smoothie. The probiotic is to help counteract any toxins that you might encounter in a restaurant. There are many additives in restaurant food. Many foods they cook comes in boxes or packages that are full of toxic substances. Even lettuce is usually washed in a solution to keep it from turning brown. I have worked in food service and a lot goes on that the consumer never knows about. The probiotic just puts us on the offense, and we are hoping that our body is strong enough to fight off the toxins. The fruit is a filler so we will not eat so much, and of course to aid in digestion for regular bowel movements. 

We do not turn down invitations to eat out or eat at someone's house. We do not "turn down" their food that they have so graciously prepared for our enjoyment. This is rude, in our opinion, unless you would have an allergic reaction to a certain food. The fruit beforehand should limit your appetite so that whatever you eat will not be as much as it would have if you were starving. We live in the real world, and to me there is nothing more miserable than eating with someone who is picky about everything they eat and are quick to tell you all about it. We are not ashamed of being what some people call health nuts, but we also don't want to be the kind of people who no one wants to invite out or eat around because they are weird. Our motto is that the 85% good food will take care of the 15% bad food. Our body is designed to fight toxins, but it is not designed for toxic overload.

If there is a "carry in" dinner of any type, I always take a tray of fresh fruits and a tray of fresh vegetables (you saw the pictures). This gives me and Larry something we consider good for us, and then we add whatever trying to make the best choices possible. Yes, we bring a lot of it home because not very many people are looking for "healthy" at a carry-in. That's ok!!,  it doesn't bother us, we will eat it later. So we adjust, never forgetting our goal--- and enjoy life and people. Once we got healthy and felt good all over, there is nothing in us that wants to go back to the old ways.


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