Day 18---GOLD--We All Want It!!!!!

Of all the Happy and Healthy Blogs I've written so far, this one is the most important for your overall health. Then why didn't you start with this one, you might ask. Let me remind you that this is My story and realizing that this is the most important thing I could do for my health did not come overnight---this is a journey, remember? And I actually think through very carefully each blog and the path that led me through this journey. I knew this would end up with me recommending a pill  for you to take, and since I was always looking for the magic "pill" that was going to change my life, I was very hesitant to rush into this subject. This journey is so much more than that, and I want you to see how my change was internal---not external. I have taken those magic "pills" before---and there was no change. Changing from the inside out starts in the inside---the gut, or what you eat. I needed that to be my focus of change. And it worked.

So what is the GOLD I am talking about?? It is the spice turmeric. I have forwarded many articles on my Facebook posts about this wonderful spice and it's medicinal properties. You may like curry and if so, it is turmeric that creates the gold color. I'm not one to make curries, but I put turmeric in a lot of my stir fry's, smoothies, and really anything I cook. But there is a lot more to the story.

Inside the turmeric there is a compound called curcumin that is found in the stem of the plant that grows underground. It is responsible for the gold color of turmeric and it is the most powerful botanical medicine in the world today. It can prevent and cure heart disease, cancer, diabetes,
Alzheimer's, depression, joint pain and digestive disorders, and it also helps protect the lungs, the kidneys, immune system, multiple sclerosis and obesity. Too good to be true? There is voluminous scientific research that credits its healing powers to its exceptional antioxidant and inflammatory properties. It is not my goal to prove to you that any of this is true, but if anyone insists, I can send you to the scientific journal articles where the studies were done.   So, you guessed it, the phrase "digestive disorders" had my attention---remember my GERD? I found out about curcumin  on my journey for the cure. I also had some joint pain in my fingers and Larry had it in his knees. So we started taking it. Why the pill and not the raw turmeric? Because there is very little curcumin in the turmeric. Some of the turmeric pills only contain 2-5% curcumin, and you would have to eat a lot of turmeric and take a lot of pills to get the potency of a curcumin pill. Now don't quit putting turmeric in as many things as you can, because it is still very good for you, but to receive the healing power of curcumin, you have to take stronger doses.

Now a little about how it works. Remember the rust on the bumper of a car? The rust is caused by oxidation or damaging oxygen molecules that corrode and eventually destroy the metal. These oxygen molecules are also found in the body and are called free radicles. They contribute to the deterioration of our cells. When these "rusty" cells reproduce, the next cells are a little different from the last, they maybe don't function  properly, and this in a nutshell is why and how we age. And why do people age differently? Because the aging process is escalated by other factors----polluted air and water, plastics and other toxic materials that contaminate nearly everything we touch, eat and drink, pesticides and other poisons or hormones in our food and even in our clothing, and processed foods, smoking, obesity, lack of exercise and other unhealthy lifestyle choices. Everyone is on a different path in life, so that is why one 50 year old may look and have the health of a 70 year old. and a 70 year old may look and have the health of a 50 year old.

There are two things that we know causes disease---inflammation (that we talked about) and oxidation. The following diseases of aging are all partially or totally caused by oxidation: heart disease, cancer, diabetes, osteoarthritis, Alzheimer's, and dementia.  Our cells begin to rust and deteriorate, so our memory gets foggy, our blood sugar spikes, heart doesn't beat as efficiently as it once did, our arteries get clogged and cellular division of our cells go berserk and create cancers that can kill us. It can also cause the brain chemistry to malfunction and can cause depression. Then it can cause inflammation which causes chronic pain in the joints--arthritis. And obesity and inflammation go hand in hand. 40% of Americans are obese, and 30% are overweight---that's 70%. Is there any question as to why the doctor's offices are full?

So back to curcumin. It is by far the most powerful antioxidant known to science and this is how it works. It literally scrubs the oxidative "rust" from your cells preventing serious disease and even reversing diseases you may already have by stopping cell deterioration and restoring the cellular genetic codes to youthful levels. This ensures that the cells will reproduce more like they did when you were young. Yes you can be youthful again.

 Our dilemma when deciding to take curcumin was what brand? There are literally hundred's out there. And to add to this, we heard that mixing black pepper with the curcumin would accelerate the effectiveness. So that adds another hundred to all the choices out there. We've been doing this for a couple of years, and we think we have found the two that we would highly recommend.
  1.  Bosmeric-SR by Sanjevani.  It is a blend that contains, black pepper, ginger, boswellin, and curcumin.
  2. A BCM-95 product (which is a patented composition), that comes in 3 forms that preform a little differently depending on what you need. They all have the oxidizing and pain relieving capabilities but are geared to additional problems.
          1) Curamin--when you have extra pain (and this is where we started.)
          2) Curamin PM--if you have an added need for sleep
          3) Mental Advantage for the aging brain and
          4) CuraMed for an inflammation response.

We swap these back and forth, because both Bosmeric SR and BCM-95 products brought about great results. Our bodies were functioning better than they had in years. It takes a little while for the curcumin to saturate your body, so don't give up. We noticed it very quickly. If you stop, it also takes a while to leave your body. This is one way that we know it works. After Larry and I had taken a couple of bottles of the CuraMed, we ran out because we had forgotten to order. When we realized it, we were leaving on a two-three week trip. And deep down we sometimes questioned if this could really do what it said it could do. We only felt this because we had forgotten what it felt like not to feel good. So we went on the trip without the Curcumin.  But in about week or so we began to feel tired and a little "old" and was ready to come home. We did not associate this with a lack of our curcumin pills. When we got home we talked about how tiring this trip was and Larry said "You know we haven't been taking our curcumin". So, we ordered the pills and when we started taking them, we  immediately began to bounce back. We never went on another trip without them.

If you or any of your family members have or died with any of the diseases listed above and you want to know specifically how curcumin works on that disease to cure or prevent, message me and I will do a blog about it. I have all the research available, I just don't want to bore you with cures for something you don't have.  We had the joint pain, I had digestive disorders and depression, and they are all gone, so we know it works.

Now this next part is speculative, but interesting. Some say (health enthusiast I presume), think

that the "gold" in the New Testament that was brought to the Christ Child was actually turmeric. I'm not here to argue Scripture with you because I could care less. And most of all, it does not change my story on the potency of this spice.  I just find it very interesting and some of the rational makes perfect sense to me.   Look it up on the internet---fascinating stuff!  There are two things that intrigued me.
  1. First of all frankincense and myrrh were very valuable essential oils in Biblical days (and are today, by the way), because they have great healing powers (more later). They were so valuable that they were used to barter for other items. It was like having big money in your pocket if you had these oils to trade. If the gold was turmeric, which also has great healing powers, wouldn't it make sense to combine turmeric with the other two?
  2. Second, why would the wise men want to give Jesus' family gold? This could have lifted them from poverty and made them honored among others--- which  is not the true message in the  Scriptures. His goal was for us to seek true riches, not necessarily monetary riches. Now there is nothing wrong with financial success and honor, unless your motivation for getting it is to "have no need for God". It is not the money that is evil, but the love of it. It is not the honor that is wrong, it is the motivation to honor ourselves. I don't have a great need for honor, but I want more money than I need to live. There is nothing spiritual about being poor. And besides how can you give and give big if you don't have more than you need?
All I know is that there is a natural healer out there that God created for our use, and if the wise men who were "wise"---wouldn't they have wanted to give Jesus and his family something that would give them good health? Tumeric has been compared to pharmaceutical drugs for the treatment of a wide variety of diseases and it has come out on top in every case. So why don't they produce it----follow the money-----pharmaceutical companies can't patent anything God makes!!!

I'd like to end with a Scripture from my devotion other day and what it said to me---remember  MY story?? This is my motivation! David said in
Psalms 103:2-8.
1) Praise the Lord, my soul, and don't forget his benefits ( His good foods that he created)
2) Who forgives all your sins ( no matter how you have messed up in your eating)
3) And heals all you diseases (ALL, even cancer and all the incurables)
4) Who redeems you from the life of the pit (depression)
5) And crowns you with love and compassion (for others who are on their journey)
6) Who satisfies your desires with good things (not with sugar but with fruits and vegetables)
7) So that your youth is renewed like the eagle's ( you can actually feel young again)


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