Day 20-- Let Your Stomach Do the Talking
I could also have titled day 20---Volcanos are Healthy, but I chose "Let the stomach do the Talking" because it will and it can say some pretty nasty things.
Sometimes healthy eating is not pretty and you need to see that too. So today is a confession and an encouragement to me that what I am doing is actually working.
Two days ago I had an incident happen to me that is downright disgusting, but I feel I should share. Now I want you to know that I follow the plan that I have laid out each day on Healthy and Happy. Simply---I detox my mouth each morning, detox my body with warm lemon water, clean out my lymph system be exercising, pull with coconut oil, intermittent fast, eat healthy and take my supplements. My plan takes a detour in one specific circumstance---eating at others houses. I mentioned this in an earlier blog as to why I do this, but the bottom line is that I want to connect with people and be included in their lives. You can be healthy and happy at home all alone, but that's no fun. We know the Scripture that Jesus said sums up the whole Bible---Love the Lord God with all your heart and love your neighbor as yourself. I sum it up this way--Love God, Love people. In our culture today that almost always includes food. So I prepare my mind in advance as to what I can do to pull this off in the healthiest way possible. But two days ago it fell apart.
I did the ritual above and at noon I had pizza--with the crust made from cauliflower. I know I put too much meat on the pizza simply because I pre-cooked too much meat. I used all I cooked because the left over would not have been enough for another pizza or another meal. And I actually thought this would make me eat less slices. It did not. I still had the two slices as normal, and yes I was FULL. Before I ate the pizza I had my homemade sauerkraut to get my probiotics, then I had fruit---mostly berries in my case--to accelerate the food movement, and then I had the pizza that contained a lot of veggies in addition to the meat. This was all well and good if I had stuck to one slice. But the justification began---no problem, I will skip dinner, which I have done many times.
Now on to real life. We went to Charlotte to Cosco's. (we usually go to the one in Winston-Salem), but we had small group meeting with church friends that night in a different direction so we were going to do all of that in one sweep. Now you know what you encounter in Cosco----samples!!! Yes I try the samples---remember my rule-- 85% excellent God given food, 15% bad or what we call the Standard American Diet (SAD). God can handle that, so a few samples was not bad. After we finished at Cosco's we had time for dinner, so Larry asked where I wanted to eat. I said that I was not really hungry at all, so he could make the decision and I would just nibble---off his plate--- was my plan. So he chose Cracker Barrel. That is not a real good place to nibble because they don't give you any extra--which is why we like eating there. So I took the plunge and ordered grilled chicken tenders, and greens. Once again I was full, but not overly full--like at lunch. All is well at this point. Then we get to small group.
Now our small group leaders usually provide coffee, cheese, grapes and a sweet of some type--and you know my "eating at someone else's home rule---don't turn down their food". I do very well with this menu---cheese, grapes and a small piece of cake. Once a week this is fine. But today our leaders were expecting a larger group so they went all out. There was cheese, crackers, little rolls stuffed with ham and cheese, some kind of multi-berry pie (with ice cream of course). Now in itself that would have been fine if I controlled my servings. But if you eat a little of all this, it is still a lot.
So I am feeling pretty miserable at this point. We have our meeting and go home. Now is when the fun starts.
After a 30 minute ride, I get home and walk in the front door not feeling very good. This is around 10 o'clock at night (we don't start small group until 7:30), so I begin to strategize about what my night's sleep was going to be like. I treasure my eight plus hours of sleep at night. This has been a journey also that I want to take you on, and you will know why when you see what sleep does for you body(more later). I think I mentioned earlier on my journey to cure the GERD, that I had used baking soda to balance my stomach acid. Now once my GERD was cured I no longer have that need. But considering all I had eaten, I thought I would have a tiny bit in a glass of water as a precaution.
So, I made up the solution, drank it and what happened IMMEDIATELY was a shock. I started having excess saliva in my mouth and you know what that means-----something is coming up and coming up fast. I ran to the bathroom heading for the white porcelain throne, but I did not have time to bow down to the throne, so I stopped at the sink----ooh---not good. After the first explosion I made it to the White Throne of Judgment and confessed my sins. I lost the kraut, the fruit, the pizza, the samples, the chicken, the greens, the cornbread, the coffee, the cheese, the pie and the ice cream. I got up, (by that time Larry had cleaned up the sink---yes he is a Saint), finished cleaning myself up and began to thank God for cleaning me out. I went from miserable to extremely joyful.
You see everything that I believed about my body was demonstrated by that explosion. My body had gotten so used to me first of all--only putting a relatively small amount of food in my stomach considering how much I used to put in it eating 3 big meals a day, and second of all not overloading it with cooked food that I normally limited by just eating mostly raw foods. So what did it do--it exploded and cleared out everything and gave me a fresh start. I had my hands in the air thanking and praising God. I said, "God you are so good"--to which Larry said, "And God thinks you
are so bad". And I think we are both right. And that is A-OK, because it is such an encouragement to me to keep on the good path in this journey. It just reminds me that if I will do my part, God will do his part, and I can be 
Healthy and Happy!!!!
PS. Now being the penny-pincher that I am I did think of all that good food I wasted.
Donna, if your actually do start reading my blog I hope you take this well since it was your house. If not, Larry can do a lesson on anger and bitterness. LOL
I could also have titled day 20---Volcanos are Healthy, but I chose "Let the stomach do the Talking" because it will and it can say some pretty nasty things.
Sometimes healthy eating is not pretty and you need to see that too. So today is a confession and an encouragement to me that what I am doing is actually working.
Two days ago I had an incident happen to me that is downright disgusting, but I feel I should share. Now I want you to know that I follow the plan that I have laid out each day on Healthy and Happy. Simply---I detox my mouth each morning, detox my body with warm lemon water, clean out my lymph system be exercising, pull with coconut oil, intermittent fast, eat healthy and take my supplements. My plan takes a detour in one specific circumstance---eating at others houses. I mentioned this in an earlier blog as to why I do this, but the bottom line is that I want to connect with people and be included in their lives. You can be healthy and happy at home all alone, but that's no fun. We know the Scripture that Jesus said sums up the whole Bible---Love the Lord God with all your heart and love your neighbor as yourself. I sum it up this way--Love God, Love people. In our culture today that almost always includes food. So I prepare my mind in advance as to what I can do to pull this off in the healthiest way possible. But two days ago it fell apart.
I did the ritual above and at noon I had pizza--with the crust made from cauliflower. I know I put too much meat on the pizza simply because I pre-cooked too much meat. I used all I cooked because the left over would not have been enough for another pizza or another meal. And I actually thought this would make me eat less slices. It did not. I still had the two slices as normal, and yes I was FULL. Before I ate the pizza I had my homemade sauerkraut to get my probiotics, then I had fruit---mostly berries in my case--to accelerate the food movement, and then I had the pizza that contained a lot of veggies in addition to the meat. This was all well and good if I had stuck to one slice. But the justification began---no problem, I will skip dinner, which I have done many times.
Now on to real life. We went to Charlotte to Cosco's. (we usually go to the one in Winston-Salem), but we had small group meeting with church friends that night in a different direction so we were going to do all of that in one sweep. Now you know what you encounter in Cosco----samples!!! Yes I try the samples---remember my rule-- 85% excellent God given food, 15% bad or what we call the Standard American Diet (SAD). God can handle that, so a few samples was not bad. After we finished at Cosco's we had time for dinner, so Larry asked where I wanted to eat. I said that I was not really hungry at all, so he could make the decision and I would just nibble---off his plate--- was my plan. So he chose Cracker Barrel. That is not a real good place to nibble because they don't give you any extra--which is why we like eating there. So I took the plunge and ordered grilled chicken tenders, and greens. Once again I was full, but not overly full--like at lunch. All is well at this point. Then we get to small group.
Now our small group leaders usually provide coffee, cheese, grapes and a sweet of some type--and you know my "eating at someone else's home rule---don't turn down their food". I do very well with this menu---cheese, grapes and a small piece of cake. Once a week this is fine. But today our leaders were expecting a larger group so they went all out. There was cheese, crackers, little rolls stuffed with ham and cheese, some kind of multi-berry pie (with ice cream of course). Now in itself that would have been fine if I controlled my servings. But if you eat a little of all this, it is still a lot.
So I am feeling pretty miserable at this point. We have our meeting and go home. Now is when the fun starts.
After a 30 minute ride, I get home and walk in the front door not feeling very good. This is around 10 o'clock at night (we don't start small group until 7:30), so I begin to strategize about what my night's sleep was going to be like. I treasure my eight plus hours of sleep at night. This has been a journey also that I want to take you on, and you will know why when you see what sleep does for you body(more later). I think I mentioned earlier on my journey to cure the GERD, that I had used baking soda to balance my stomach acid. Now once my GERD was cured I no longer have that need. But considering all I had eaten, I thought I would have a tiny bit in a glass of water as a precaution.
So, I made up the solution, drank it and what happened IMMEDIATELY was a shock. I started having excess saliva in my mouth and you know what that means-----something is coming up and coming up fast. I ran to the bathroom heading for the white porcelain throne, but I did not have time to bow down to the throne, so I stopped at the sink----ooh---not good. After the first explosion I made it to the White Throne of Judgment and confessed my sins. I lost the kraut, the fruit, the pizza, the samples, the chicken, the greens, the cornbread, the coffee, the cheese, the pie and the ice cream. I got up, (by that time Larry had cleaned up the sink---yes he is a Saint), finished cleaning myself up and began to thank God for cleaning me out. I went from miserable to extremely joyful.
You see everything that I believed about my body was demonstrated by that explosion. My body had gotten so used to me first of all--only putting a relatively small amount of food in my stomach considering how much I used to put in it eating 3 big meals a day, and second of all not overloading it with cooked food that I normally limited by just eating mostly raw foods. So what did it do--it exploded and cleared out everything and gave me a fresh start. I had my hands in the air thanking and praising God. I said, "God you are so good"--to which Larry said, "And God thinks you
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Cauliflower Crust |

Healthy and Happy!!!!
PS. Now being the penny-pincher that I am I did think of all that good food I wasted.
Donna, if your actually do start reading my blog I hope you take this well since it was your house. If not, Larry can do a lesson on anger and bitterness. LOL
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