Day 7 Leave a Healthy Legacy The word legacy means something you pass down. We think in terms of money, but it can also mean God's wisdom, or anything I guess. I know one thing, the world puts too much emphasis on passing down diseases from our parents. If you have had family members with health issues I beg of you not to fear those health issues. I watched a special on cancer several years ago, and the documentary started out with this warning: If you fear cancer, don't watch this documentary. 10% of those who fear cancer WILL get cancer. I thought that was pretty bold. Who doesn't fear cancer? I didn't really fear cancer, but I thought "what if I really deep down do fear it and I get it"? I watched anyway and it was eye opening. I found out that everyone has cancer cells in their body. It is something that is already there. What activates it is the question. The biggest thing is toxins---anything that is not designed...