
Showing posts from February, 2018
Day 7  Leave a Healthy Legacy  The word legacy means something you pass down. We think in terms of money, but it can also mean God's wisdom, or anything I guess. I know one thing, the world puts too much emphasis on passing down diseases from our parents. If you have had family members with health issues I beg of you not to fear those health issues. I watched a special on cancer several years ago, and the documentary started out with this warning: If you fear cancer, don't watch this documentary. 10% of those who fear cancer WILL get cancer. I thought that was pretty bold. Who doesn't fear cancer? I didn't really fear cancer, but I thought "what if I really deep down do fear it and I get it"? I watched anyway and it was eye opening.  I found out that everyone has cancer cells in their body. It is something that is already there.  What activates it is the question.  The biggest thing is toxins---anything that is not designed...
Day 6  The Real Pro-life Issue  The word probiotic means pro (for) biotic (life). So, the word antibiotic means anti (against) biotic (life). To be healthy we have to have probiotics in our "gut" so we can stay away from antibiotics that can destroy our health. Now in case I get carried away (too passionate, and start putting everything in caps and screaming) let me just say that there are life saving times in our lives that we need antibiotics.  I would always take an antibiotic after surgery, mainly because I don't trust the germs that your encounter in a hospital. But the reason I am so passionate about overuse of antibiotics is based on "my story".  When my dad was in the hospital on his death bed, the doctor came in and said, "He is going to die. Not from what is wrong with him (an infection in his stomach), but because we have nothing for treatment that will work.  He is resistant to every antibiotic that we have because he has tak...
Day 5  Eat the Rainbow I am convinced that I was in a war for my health. Everything I did and everything I ate did not work, and I worked hard at it. I counted calories, I counted points, I counted inches, and I prayed about it and I tried every diet known to man and could not keep the weight off.  I imagined what it would be like to not see fat rolls. I put my fat roll pictures on the refrigerator so I would see them every time I started to open the door. You name it, I have done it to try to motivate myself.  But nothing could keep me from going back to old habits.  The craving for sugar and salt was not pretty. I have been known to drive by the Krispy Kreme when the hot light was on, purchase a whole dozen of glazed donuts and eat the whole box. I've eaten whole bags of chips. I was a little sick afterwards, but boy was it great going down. My focus was on looking good  and seeing what I could get by with eating...
Day 4---Breaking Your Fast So, on to what we eat, when we break our fast.  I am first going to cover what I did for years before we started intermittent fasting, that really helped my health and energy level. I have had several requests from friends for this. In the morning I would have a green drink. This has now moved to a pick me up in mid-afternoon or sometimes my dinner meal.  I'll cover lunch a little later. There are literally hundreds of green drink recipes out there. Just try to use the freshest, most nutritious greens out there.   I use kale for two reasons. First, it is packed with antioxidants, and  I just can't say enough about how good it is for you. Secondly, I get it free out of my garden. It takes up very little space and is basically a year round plant. To the kale, I add a fruit of some type to give it sweetness, a piece of fresh ginger about the size of your thumb nail, and various other things that I find out are he...
Day 1 Healthy is God's Way With all the questions I have gotten in just the few hours since my post, I realized that I will not have time to answer each question individually, so I decided to start a blog for those interested.  I want to begin by saying that I think God designed our body to heal itself.   There were no doctors as we know in the Old Testament and people lived hundreds of years, doing it God's way.  The Bible is full of suggestions on foods we should eat and not eat, herbs that we should be eating and essential oils and plants that we should be putting on our body. This statement has motivated me to learn everything I can to heal myself naturally. Larry and I read a book several years ago called The Solid Gold Stethoscope by Edgar Berman, MD.  It was an eye opener for us, realizing for the first time, I guess, that the medical field is a business. I won't go into a lot of detail, I'll just say it changed our lives...
Day 3---Fasting---Intermittantly First of all answers to questions I have gotten from Day 2. What about lemon water when you travel?  If I going to be somewhere for a few days and I know they have a refrigerator with a freezer, I will take my grater and lemons with me. If I am pushed for suitcase space, I will stuff the grater with socks or other small items. Another alternative is to add lemon essential oil to your water.  Now essential oils are OIL, and that does not mix extremely well with WATER, but you can stir it often while you are drinking it and it will be ok. And remember, you are drinking it all at once---this is not a sipping drink---you want to get it in your body pretty quickly and let it detox before you start adding other things to your stomach. Also, someone asked about  pulling the coconut oil through your teeth and why you cannot swallow it, since coconut oil is good for you. Well, the bacteria from your mouth/teeth does not need to go into your s...
Day 2  Detoxifying Your Body  God designed your body to detoxify itself with no intervention from us or the medical profession. We detoxify naturally every time we have a bowel movement, breathe,  sweat, and move our lymphatic system.  Those are the basics. But in the environment we live in, and the foods we eat, we have clogged up all the above and our bodies cannot keep up with all the toxins that we put in or on our bodies. So we stay sick all the time and end with the itis's----bronchitis, arthritis---there are over 200 itis's.  And they can be traced back to inflammation caused by what we put in our bodies.  So........ Today I am going through our morning routine. I have found that if you learn through baby steps and make small changes, you will stick with a program. This has been a journey for us taking small steps. The description of the morning routine that we do may overwhelm some of you, ...