Day 2  Detoxifying Your Body 

God designed your body to detoxify itself with no intervention from us or the medical profession. We detoxify naturally every time we have a bowel movement, breathe,  sweat, and move our lymphatic system.  Those are the basics. But in the environment we live in, and the foods we eat, we have clogged up all the above and our bodies cannot keep up with all the toxins that we put in or on our bodies. So we stay sick all the time and end with the itis's----bronchitis, arthritis---there are over 200 itis's.  And they can be traced back to inflammation caused by what we put in our bodies.  So........

Today I am going through our morning routine. I have found that if you learn through baby steps and make small changes, you will stick with a program. This has been a journey for us taking small steps. The description of the morning routine that we do may overwhelm some of you, because I will be very detailed, but I promise you it only takes minutes, and it will mean a world of difference in your energy level.

1) When I wake up after 8 or more hours of sleep (I'll cover sleep later), usually a little before the alarm goes off, I say something similar to this." Good morning God, thank you for another night's sleep. I claim the health promised in your Word. Psalm 103 2-4 says," Praise the Lord, my soul and forget not all His benefits---who forgives all your sins and heals all your diseases'.  Now help me to cooperate with You and what you have designed for my life". I don't get overly involved with God at this time. I spend time with Him later, this is just to get my mind straight, and remind myself that all health comes from the One who created my body, and that I am giving Him my problems and acknowledge that He and I are going to control my health.

baking soda
2)I go to the bathroom, dip a dampened toothbrush in pure baking soda, brush my tongue and quickly brush my teeth to clean out all the toxins in my mouth.  All night long we are detoxifying through our breathing. These toxins are all in our mouth, as you can tell by the taste and smell, and if we follow the old routine of grabbing a cup of hot coffee, we heat up the toxins and swallow them---Ugg.  So this new routine starts us with a fresh mouth and that does two things---it helps keep our teeth white and we are now ready for some serious good morning kissing (dogs, cats, husbands, whatever).
3) Now we are ready for warm lemon water. I freeze my lemons--a whole bag at a time and take one out each day and grate the frozen lemon (that way you get the natural essential oils from the rind.) it will not take a whole lemon. A lemon will last me for a week (depending on the size of the lemon). Each day it goes back in the freezer until it is used up.

Grater from Walmart
Add hot water to the grated lemon and then let cool enough so you can drink it all at one time. Try to do this within the first 15 minutes after waking. Now if you are one of these "I don't like" people, I'm not sure you are ready to change at all, but there are some things you can add to the lemon water to make it interesting---honey, cinnamon, cayenne pepper and even baking soda, if you are prone to indigestion( which we will cover later)

4)We next exercise to detoxify our lymphatic system.  This is the only system that does not have a built in movement. Your bowels move, your intestines move and your lungs move with each breath.  You mean God made a system that would not naturally detox?  No, God designed physical labor.  God forbid that we should actually work.  In the past we actually sweated and worked, or walked---lots of movement.  But today we sit---at a desk, watching TV, playing on our phones, video games, etc.  So, lymphoma is on the rise because we do not clean out the lymphatic system. I heard the other day that sitting is the new smoking. We encouraged people not to smoke, but not to get up and move around.  It does not really take a lot of exercise to get the lymphatic system moving. 
 The best way is 20-30 minute brisk walk. Larry and I make it even simpler than that, although we have a beautiful lake to walk around.  But then the cold weather comes and the rain comes then the excuses come. So we do two 10 minute exercises. Put on a little Praise and Worship---or your favorite music and enjoy. 1) Rebound for 10 minutes. If you don't have a rebounder, just do jumping jacks without moving your feet.  2) We also twist. Joshua gave me a Simply Fit Board for Christmas, and it is perfect.  Plus it helps with balance, which naturally lessens as you age.  If you have no board, just do the Chubby Checker twist. Any of these will help with balance. During one of the ten minutes, we also oil pull. You say now what it that?  I say you Google and get the whole story, but basically we put a teaspoon of solid coconut oil in our mouth, let it dissolve and pull it through our teeth for ten minutes and then spit it out. (Yes, the first time I gagged)  This is so great for dental health. Coconut oil is a natural antibiotic that will take care of all the hidden bacteria between each tooth that a toothbrush cannot reach.  After doing this for a year I went to my dentist for a cleaning and it had been over a year since our last visit. Larry and I do not have dental insurance, so we stretch it to the limit. The whole time the hygienist  was cleaning my teeth, she keep complimenting the condition of my teeth and lack of plaque. Finally, she said, " Are you doing anything different"? I smiled and she said, "Pulling"? She affirmed that it really worked. Now it has been two years---yes I know I probably need to go back. Clean teeth really are vital to good health.
5) Now we are ready to really brush our teeth, and NO we do not use toothpaste. It is full of chemicals that are not good for you. We make our own.  The recipe is 1/2 c. of coconut oil, 3-4 Tbs of baking soda and 10-20 drops of peppermint or spearmint essential oil. Then we just dip our toothbrush into the mixture and voila!!   It is amazing how white it keeps my teeth. One sure sign of aging is yellow teeth. It doesn't have to be that way. Yes, I buy baking soda by the 13 lb. bag---about $5 at Sam's.  I buy 84 oz of coconut oil at Cosco's, because they have the best price, except for on-line and I don't have to pay shipping. Just be sure it is organic, virgin, unrefined and cold pressed.  Sam's has coconut oil but it is not cold pressed. That is ok for cooking, but anything I put in my body, I like for it to be the best.

So, as I said, this is all very detailed, but we are talking about minutes really. If you want to grate your lemon at night, put it in the refrigerator and have it in your cup ready for hot water, that could cut down on the time. I use my Bunn coffee maker so the water is ready by the time I grate the lemons. But I am going to tell you tomorrow how to have a lot of extra time in the mornings.

That's all for today folks. Remember, taking baby steps is always best. Just get the point that our bodies are toxic. We have to get the toxins out.  Just look around---everyone is sick. In 2013 we spent
$3.8 trillion on health care and $329.2 billion on prescription drugs alone. Yet 1 out of 2 men get cancer and 1 out of 3 women get cancer in their lifetime.  There is a reason for this.  Take charge of your health. I'm not advocating that you do anything we do. Life is all about choices---just make sure you make good ones. And as I will say upfront, we are not afraid to be different. Sorry the videos do not work--we are really cute doing our movements. Maybe I can figure out how to make them move in future episodes.


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