Day 7 Leave a Healthy Legacy
The word legacy means something you pass down. We think in terms of money, but it can also mean God's wisdom, or anything I guess. I know one thing, the world puts too much emphasis on passing down diseases from our parents. If you have had family members with health issues I beg of you not to fear those health issues. I watched a special on cancer several years ago, and the documentary started out with this warning: If you fear cancer, don't watch this documentary. 10% of those who fear cancer WILL get cancer. I thought that was pretty bold. Who doesn't fear cancer? I didn't really fear cancer, but I thought "what if I really deep down do fear it and I get it"? I watched anyway and it was eye opening. I found out that everyone has cancer cells in their body. It is something that is already there. What activates it is the question. The biggest thing is toxins---anything that is not designed by God to go into your body. But there are other things that can activate cancer besides what we eat, what we drink, and what we breathe. Stress is a big one, and so are emotions, especially the negative emotions. There is enough negativity in this world for everyone to get cancer. I try not to go there. You want to do a great Bible study? Just see what God has to say about negative emotions----fear, anger, jealousy, hatred---I could go on and on. Just this morning my pastor put a verse on Facebook from 2 Timothy 1:7 that says God did not give us the spirit of fear but of love and self-control. How powerful is that??? Don't fear, love people, and control your body. That about covers it all. The words or phrases in the Bible about "not fearing" appears 365 times. But what is the method the medical profession and the pharmaceuticals use? Fear!.... if you don't do this or take that, you will _________( you fill it in). Now I am not naïve enough to think that they are wrong 100% of the time. I listen, I read, and I research. But I have learned to make those decisions myself based on what I find. You have to take charge. Look around us---the world is sick. There is a reason.
One fear that is prevalent among people comes from the fact that a certain disease "runs" in your family members. This gene testing that is going on is out of control. I have read from sources that track these statistics that only 2% of the people can trace cancer and Alzheimer's back to genetics. If you have family members who have had cancer, should you have both breasts removed? That is what Angelina Jolie did and it is becoming more and more prevalent. If you have problems with this thought and the fear associated with it, research epigenetics. It is a proven fact that we cannot change our DNA, but we can effect our gene activity, by our lifestyle and our environment. So what this is saying is that if we change our eating habits along with adding some exercise, and remove the toxins that are in our body, we can change what our genes do. Going back to the diseases that "run" in your family. Well, eating fried food covered with gravy, overcooked vegetable, cornbread, biscuits, cakes and pies all run in my family. (Boy am I getting hungry). No wonder we get the same diseases as our parents. My mother died at 53 when I was 21 years old. From everything I have read, she had fatty liver disease. The doctor just said she had everything wrong that could be wrong with the liver, and maybe contacted a germ in her early years from an unsterilized needle. Did anyone ever suggest that she detoxify her liver--something that you can do at home? Did anyone ever suggest that she eat a healthy diet and exercise to get rid of the massive amount of weight around her stomach? Maybe, but I never saw her do it. All your major organs need to be detoxified because of the toxins we put in our bodies on a daily basis. ("how to" later). So the message today is leave a healthy legacy. Yes, have those traditional, family meals when the family gathers, but don't eat it every day. When anyone in my family has a birthday, I am going to eat some birthday cake. It is not these times that kills us ( although expect to feel a little sick afterwards if you have been eating healthy for awhile). It has been said by health experts that if you eat good foods 85% of the time, your body can naturally detoxify the other 15%. But the problem that we have is that we eat healthy 15% of the time and eat bad foods 85% of the time. Our body is overworked, tired, stressed, and not getting good rest and we wonder why we are sick. It will catch up with you one day.
Fix on Monday eat all week |
My new favorite snack |
I also want to follow up on a few things from past posts. On eating the rainbow. Other then fresh fruits and vegetables (preferably raw and full of color), being natural detoxifiers, they also affect your skin. The rainbow lady, who taught me to eat colorful foods, says that if you want rosy cheeks, you can have them. As we age our skin, especially on our face turns white. This comes from dead foods and lack of circulation (more about that later). I have not eaten the colors long enough to personally testify to this fact, but I do know it is true. I do have more color but I think it comes from something else I do to activate the circulation in my face(more later). I know it is true because I knew a lady that started drinking fresh carrot juice that she made in her juicer. She had been doing this for a long time and her skin was orange. She had beautiful skin, but I did not think the color was especially attractive. It looked a lot like people who use tanning beds for a long time. It is tan, but more orange in color. However, this told me that the colors in food will affect your skin color.
Now one other thing about probiotics from yesterday. When Larry and I started drinking apple cider vinegar about 10-15 years ago, I had no clue what a probiotic was. We were in a restaurant and there was a flyer that someone had left lying on the table. The title read, "How Not to Ever Get Cancer".
Who wouldn't be intrigued with that? It explained that it is impossible for cancer to live in an alkaline environment. That without fail, everyone who had cancer had an acidic body. In other words their PH is out of balance. It went on to say that apple cider vinegar would help keep your PH in balance. It suggested that you always use raw, unfiltered ACV with the "mother" in it and that the best brand was Braggs. So Larry and I headed to the health food store. When checking out, the cashier asked why we were buying it and we told him what we had read. He affirmed our story and also said, " and if you have indigestion it will take care of that also". That settled it for us, because we both had that. Now our first question was if you a trying to get rid of the acid that causes cancer, why would to drink an acidic drink. Isn't it acid that causes indigestion and worse than that acid reflux? Research it if you want to, but the acid goes through a change in our body that causes it to be alkaline. Only God, I guess. So can I be sure I will never get cancer? No because I can put more acidic foods in my body than ACV can counteract. Just ask Siri or Google "what foods cause your body to be acidic"----sugar, grains, processed foods, sodas, certain dairy products, etc,etc,etc,
One red cabbage chopped 1T salt |
Now why would I go to the trouble of making kraut when you can buy it in the store? Because the truth of the matter is I don't like store bought sauerkraut. When Larry and I got married, his mother would serve kraut and wieners as a meal. I never said anything and ate it, but I did not like it. When I found out about the probiotics and the need to eat fermented foods, or course I wanted to do eat it. But I would find myself dreading it, even though we only eat a couple of tablespoons before each meal. And since I wanted the best kraut, I found the kind in a glass jar (always better than a can), and in the refrigerated section of the grocery store. It was $7 a jar. I bought it, but I knew right then that I was not happy with that price. And kimchee (kraut with other vegetables) was even higher. So I got home and researched making my own. I found out that it is nothing but cabbage and salt!! How cheap is that???
Kimchee and Kraut |
Fermenting kit |
So I bought a head of purple cabbage (remember color is good), chopped it in my food processer (took 5 minutes), sprinkled it with 1 tablespoon on salt, let it sit 15 minutes, worked it with my hands for 15 minutes, and packed it in a jar. The head made enough for a 2 quart jar. It has to sit a while--I let it sit 10 days, and it is ready. It is so delicious, and I can eat lots of it. Now I did buy special fermenting lids and a glass weight to hold it under the water that makes it easier. I got all this info from the internet. A two quart jar will last us about 2 weeks.
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