Day 5 Eat the Rainbow
I am convinced that I was in a war for my health. Everything I did and everything I ate did not work, and I worked hard at it. I counted calories, I counted points, I counted inches, and I prayed about it and I tried every diet known to man and could not keep the weight off. I imagined what it would be like to not see fat rolls. I put my fat roll pictures on the refrigerator so I would see them every time I started to open the door. You name it, I have done it to try to motivate myself. But nothing could keep me from going back to old habits. The craving for sugar and salt was not pretty. I have been known to drive by the Krispy Kreme when the hot light was on, purchase a whole dozen of glazed donuts and eat the whole box. I've eaten whole bags of chips. I was a little sick afterwards, but boy was it great going down. My focus was on looking good and seeing what I could get by with eating----and not being healthy. So now my focus in on the positive.
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Alive Food |
The war to me is in the grocery store. On one side of the grocery store I saw God made food, and on the other side, I saw man made food. Everything on one side was alive and everything on the other side was dead. Everything on one side naturally detoxified my body, everything on the other side---processed foods in boxes and bags--- stopped up my body and puts toxins in it. Nothing on one side had labels---it is real food that we recognize. Everything on the other side listed ingredients that I could not pronounce. I'm pretty good at phonics, but I still didn't know what it meant. So the war would begin. I didn't really even like fruit ( it was never sweet enough for me), much less some of that other stuff. Then through time I began to view food differently. I don't think I ever really thought about what food did once it entered the body, even though (because of my major in college) I have had several nutrition courses. But now I was "getting it", and I want to take you on that journey. It is so exciting that I can hardly contain myself. Ephesians says that " God is able to do immeasurably more that we can ask or imagine" I am asking Him to teach me how to get the health that he wants me to have, immeasurably more that I can imagine. I am also asking him to not make this just about me, but to be a testimony to a sick and dying world around me and enable people to take charge of their health. I dare say that you cannot find one family that does not have a least one family member suffering with some disease.
So today, we are going to get a glimpse of what God has given us to eat. I will try not to give you rules about what you cannot eat. That is what I did--ask myself, what do I have to give up? That is what went on in the Garden to Eden. God said, "don't eat" of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil, but eat of the Tree of Life. And therein lies the problem. We can debate all day about what is good to eat or bad to eat, and have the knowledge to back up our stories. McDonald's is bad, Cracker Barrel is good. Fried foods are bad, steamed foods are good. Now even though some of these arguments may have merit---I am going to concentrate on the Tree of Life---foods that I know are good for you. I will just assume that if God created it, he did it for your good. My battle was, but I don't like _______. ________ and ________. The Israelites also complained about the manna and quails that God sent for them to eat after they were eating leeks and onions. Man, that sounds great to me--sweet bread and meat, my kind of diet!!!! But they wanted to go back to eating onions and leeks in Egypt---- even though if they went back to that, they would been enslaved again. I am tired of being enslaved to the diseases of this world, since I have learned that I have the power to change my health and body into something that God designed.
So I want to eat the rainbow of food that God has given me. The richer the color the more antioxidants and the healthier it is. I am amazed at how sweet fruit is now and even vegetables. Also as a side note, raw fruits and vegetables are healthier than cooked ones, and the less you cook them the better. Sure does cut down on prep time, too. It really makes it easier to fix a lunch. I cut up my fruits and vegetables for the week. So I have something ready to grab when I go out the door or just snack on. Larry and I do not have a job, but hardly a day goes by that we are not on the road. It also saves a lot of money on eating out. Just grab some fruit, veggies and nuts. Healthy and Happy!!!!
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Rainbow foods in my house. |
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