Day 28 Sleep--Can't we give it a rest???

You just do not know how hard it is to give up on this subject of sleep. I think good sleep is one of the most important habits that we can incorporate in our lives. Sleep deprivation is rampant and is causing so much chaos in our world. I mentioned a case in a previous blog about how SAT scores went up drastically when a school system started school 30 minutes later. A fact that I did not mention is that student car accidents went down 31%. Before I started this health journey I remember reading a statistical report about how many car accidents happen because the driver goes to sleep at the wheel. This was including adults. I have a family member (who I am pretty sure is not reading my blog) who went to sleep in the morning traffic and totaled the car they were driving  when they crashed into a school bus.
I taught school, so I saw the effects of sleep deprivation with students. It was so hard to keep some of them awake during class. And when you would talk to them about being sleepy, they would tell you about what they were doing during the night---playing video games, texting, listening to music, etc. If I were raising kids today I would not allow them to have phones, computers or TV's in their bedrooms at night. If you had read all the material that I have read in the last few years, you would totally agree with me. It is very scary.  Larry and I were checking out at a grocery store this last week and the young lady who was checking us out was not very alert. Larry asked her how she was doing and she answered by saying she was good, but that she was sleepy.  I said, "Oh my, you must have been on your phone all night". She said that she was, but was just listening to Michael Jackson----as if listening to music was a good excuse for losing sleep. She went on to say that she did not have to get to work that day until 12AM, so she was able to get some sleep. Can I say an out of balance circadian rhythm? I'm sure she could not sleep until 12 every day.  I wish I had statistics about the sleep patterns of criminals----school shooters, serial killers, etc. I know I am getting deep, but this thing of lack of sleep is serious.
And then there is the healing that goes on at night from diseases to just aches and pains, that cannot occur because we are not going through all the cycles. We are a sick nation. I know there are lots of contributing factors, but I know for sure that sleep deprivation is a biggy---even if just half or less of the statistics I am reading is true. So before I leave this subject for now, I want to just bullet some items that I think are crucial to you getting good sleep. And you can do your own research.

  • Sleep is like miracle grow for the brain
  • Heavy snorers show signs of Alzheimer's 10 years earlier than better sleepers
  • Without good sleep, you age quickly.
  • Poor sleep habits cause you to gain weight and if you are overweight it is harder to lose
  • There is a 50 % higher risk of mental health decline from poor sleep
  • When you keep "night owl" hours your cortisol levels are not balanced which causes sleep disturbances. Shift workers are more prone to health problems.
  • Bedtime screens lowers melatonin by 55%
Here are some practical things that can help
  • Do not eat anything 3 hours before you go to bed. Digestion at night keeps you from sleeping soundly. It also interferes with healing that needs to take place.
  • Get sunshine every day, at least 30 minutes, preferably before the afternoon. This gives your body the ability to make vitamin D--which is so important for sleep among other things.
  • Take a warm bath right before you go to bed. You will then cool off and this is in rhythm with your own body temperature which naturally lowers itself at night.
  • Sleep on your left side. It makes it easier for your heart to function, improves drainage of the lymphatic system, helps the liver not to congest, improves function of the spleen, helps prevent heartburn because it is harder for the stomach contents to flow into the esophagus, and it allows gravity to come into place and will help to boost bowel movements.
  • Cut out all fluids a few hours before bedtime
  • Prop your feet up a few hours before bed to let the liquids drain from your legs
  • Take all electronics from your bedroom, and try not to look at any of this 1 hour before bed
  • Avoid stimulants before bed: vigorous exercise, caffeine, alcohol, nicotine, heavy food, sugar and watching the news.
  • Create a relaxing bedtime ritual--take a hot bath, do gentle stretches, meditate on good things, breathe rhythmically
  • Avoid caffeine 6 hours before bed---tea, cola, and chocolate contain caffeine also
Prescription drugs can also interfere with your sleep. Look for side effects for all medications that you are taking. Ask your doctor to make adjustments. Ask question like, "will it help if I that these in the morning", "are sleeping pills really necessary", "are there any 'natural'  supplements that I can take that will accomplish the same thing". Remember, you can be in control of your own health.

There are some natural supplements that you can take to promote sleep. but I am not going to cover that now because it is part of my journey and I don't want the information to be premature. I have read enough to know that sleeping pills are not the answer for me. And I've read enough to know that if I had been taking them, I would come off them gradually. These are some facts that I learned.
  • 8.6 million Americans take prescribed sleeping pills
  • Car crash risk doubles for sleeping pill users
  • The American Journal of Public Health exposed the frightening dangers of Ambien, Restoril, and Desyril, the ones most commonly prescribed
  • Ambien sends more seniors to the ER than any other drug
  • Older patients who take sleeping pills are more at risk of falls and fractures, and resulting hospitalizations according to CDC and John's Hopkins
  • Ambien itself accounted for one out of five emergency room visits among those 65 and older
  • Sleeping pills are even more dangerous when mixed with alcohol and this is common
If you want to read something interesting, Google an article "The Secret Horrors of Sleep-deprived
Doctors. It will make you think twice about putting all your health care in the hands of others. This is my method. If I am in an emergency situation, I will get to a hospital as fast as I can. If it is something that I can hold off on, I will start my research. I mentioned an App earlier called the Cure from A-Z. I do not totally agree with everything it says, but it is a starting place and has some very good advice that I have followed and had great results. And above all, if I am prescribed a medication I am going to look up the side effects and google every ingredient that is in the medication. Doctors are not bad people. They just do not have time to give you the care you need. You have the time. The internet is a wonderful device, and you do not have to believe the first thing you read. There are multiple views from some great holistic doctors who treat the whole person and  have great results.
