Day 34 Don’t Let the Lion Catch You, Or Maybe you Should Before I begin I want you to know my summer schedule of blogging. I’m a lot busier than I thought, so I will post one blog a week on Monday. Some of my followers say they are missing some of the blogs and then have to catch up. I think this is because they are so random. So I am going on a schedule of having one ready every week and it will be posted hopefully Sunday night, but Monday morning by the latest. Thanks for tagging along. My last blog, (Day 33,duhhh), told you my story of how I let strong emotions effect my eating. I just want to illustrate (by bad example) how it was true in my life. Larry and I were taken out to eat last night by a prospective bride and groom. Larry is preforming their wedding ceremony in June, and he was nailing down the details. It was a great night. We laughed, shared life, shared Jesus, and shared some principles of life to help them understand what...
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Day 33----Make Love, Not War Yesterday after mine and Larry’s devotion, I noticed he was “zoned out”. I asked him what he was thinking and he said, “I am preaching in my mind”. So when I asked him what was his sermon about and he said, “The most important word in the Bible”. He went through a list of all the words that people might say were the most important words, but he said the most important one was LOVE. And after studying about sugar spikes, I have to agree. So how have I learned to make love and not war? I’ll be honest, it has not been a road easily traveled. But first, some background. Just like when you eat too many carbohydrates or too much of anything (Blog 32), your blood glucose rises when you are under stress and your body secretes high levels of stress hormones, (adrenaline or cortisol), into the blood stream. It can be triggered by physiological stress—illness, pain, infection, injury or it can be emotional stress—fear, anxiety, anger, excitement, tension. Al...
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Day 32—PLEASE, DON’T PLAY WITH SPIKES I want to follow up on the blog yesterday about blood sugar spikes with a story that is dear to my heart. Larry’s mom, who we all called Granny, had type 2 diabetes. She did not take insulin, but she did take meds. I never saw her trying to control her diet but she could have. She lived in Alabama and we lived in Tennessee and later North Carolina, so we did not see her every day. They did visit often after they retired, and we would go to Alabama on special occasions. But I do not ever remember her taking any diet precautions. This would not have meant anything to me at the time, because I knew nothing about diabetes. But taking her blood sugar was routine. I was not on my journey at this time, so I paid very little attention to her when it came to health problems. But I do remember this. First of all, she loved sweets and food in general. When she retired she began to love new recipes and enjoyed trying them. She had a little...
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Day 31---SPIKES--Leave Them to the Athlete Spikes can be good and bad. Perhaps when you hear the word "spike", like me, you immediately think of athletics. In baseball and track, spikes are good for traction: in basketball they are bad because you would slide on the floor. Second, I think of a railroad spike. It holds the train track down, and that is a good thing. The only bad I can think of, is if they came out and caused a derailment. Third there are the spikes that were nailed into Jesus hands and feet on the cross. And that was a good thing. My sins were nailed to that cross. The bad thing is that Jesus had to die. Then there are sugar spikes . The spikes are God's natural design to help regulate the sugar or glucose in our body. But if this process is overused or ignored you can become sick and diseased. Since the sugar spike is the one that everyone deals with daily, I want to think of them...